Vid palomnytstva do relihiinoho turyzmu: istoriia i suchasnist [From pilgrimage to religious tourism: history and modernity]




pilgrimage, religious tourism


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Author Biography

  • Svitlana Panchenko

    Doctor PhD of Cultural Studies (specialty 26.00.01 - theory and history of culture, diploma DK No. 047818 dated July 5, 2018. Dissertation theme: «Cultural-creative potential of religious tourism: the formation of Ukrainian experience»);

    Associate Professor (Certificate of Associate Professor of the Department of In 2019, she received the academic title of associate professor of the «Art Management and Event Technologies» department.

    She teaches disciplines: «Pilgrimage and religious tourism», «Modern cultural practices», «Art management», «Art journalism».

    Field of scientific activity: culture, tourism, history, religious studies, management, social communications. Author and co-author: more than 100 publications in the sphere of tourism, including: 2 monographs, theses and materials of international conferences, as well as articles in scientific professional and international publications including Scopus (3 articles) and Web of Science (2 articles). I take part in International grant projects (Germany, Bavaria).

    I am studying the scientific theme «Development of religious tourism and the promotion of pilgrimage in Ukraine», as well as study various types of tourism, including international, social and religious. I defended my dissertation on «Cultural potential of religious tourism», continue to study the pilgrimage routes of the holy apostles, consider their missionary journeys in terms of modern religious tourism to sacred sites, I am writing a monograph about these pilgrimages and missionary travels.


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How to Cite

Panchenko, S. (2022). Vid palomnytstva do relihiinoho turyzmu: istoriia i suchasnist [From pilgrimage to religious tourism: history and modernity]. Current Issues of Mass Communication, 32, 12-19.

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