Submission Preparation Checklist
All submissions must meet the following requirements.
- The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).
- The submission file is in Microsoft Word.
- Where available, URLs for the references have been provided.
- The text is single-spaced; uses a 12-point font; employs italics, rather than underlining (except with URL addresses); and all illustrations, figures, and tables are placed within the text at the appropriate points, rather than at the end.
- The text meets the requirements for the policy of the journal presented in the About the journal of the section "About us", and design, requirements for which is set out in the Authors Guide section "About Us".
- A statement of possible conflicts of interest has been added to the authors file
- A letter was added to the file about the authors, in which they clearly indicate their consent to the publication of the article in the journal and on electronic resources.
- Before submitting the manuscript, authors are advised to read the "About the Journal" and "Guide for Authors" sections. 1. The editor-in-chief and the deputy editor-in-chief first evaluate the manuscript submitted by the author to the journal's editors. If the manuscript does not meet the journal's requirements, it is returned to the author with a comment from one of the editors. 2. All manuscripts are checked for originality and plagiarism using the Unichek system before being peer-reviewed. If the originality of the submitted manuscript is less than 80%, such manuscript is returned to the author. 3. The author (s) must also include a statement of potential conflict of interest in the text of the authors' file. In the absence of this information, we will publish the following statement: "The authors did not report a potential conflict of interest" 4. If the manuscript does not pass peer review, the editors return it to the authors together with recommendations on possible editing and revision. Besides, the editorial board may allow the publication of such an article as a discussion material in the "Discussions" section. WARNING! We draw the authors' attention to the fact that the publications in this section and the section "Reviews", are NOT scientific articles but are an approbation of the research. Publications in these sections are NOT an obstacle to submitting a revised manuscript as a research article in our or any other journal. Thus, the author can refer to the approbation and is obliged to warn the editor about such a fact of approbation while submitting the article. The journal editors guarantee that each manuscript is considered impartially, regardless of the author's gender, race, nationality, religion, citizenship, etc. The editorial office communicates with the author through the OJS platform.
Discussions (printing of scientific and journalistic speeches, positions of the editorial board, editor-in-chief, members of the editorial board, results of research that have not been reviewed, but are of interest. These publications are not scientific articles). Participation in this section can be considered as approbation of research materials.
Warning! Features of the Submission.
In the "Upload Submission" tab, select OTHER after downloading the file.
In the tab "Enter Metadata" you do not need to fill in the abstract, type, source, additional refinements.
Review articles
Review articles (printing reviews of scientific literature on a particular issue. Reviews are a kind of scientific article. Our journal publishes reviews that use the method of meta-analysis).
Warning! Features of the submission.
1. In the tab "Upload submission" you need to download a separate file about the authors (and select Authors); the file containing the article without a list of authors (and select Text); the table file (if any) (and select Other); the image file (if any) (and select Other).
2. In the "Enter metadata" tab, all fields must be filled in, except for "Source" (optional). In the field "References" it is necessary to transfer from the article the list of the used literature and the list of the analyzed sources.
Research articles
Research articles (printing the results of scientific research that correspond to the profile of the journal, have been reviewed and approved for publication as scientific articles).
Warning! Features of the submission.
1. In the tab "Upload submission" you need to download a separate file about the authors (and select Authors); the file containing the article without a list of authors (and select Text); the table file (if any) (and select Other); the image file (if any) (and select Other).
2. All fields are required in the "Enter Metadata" tab. In the Source field, specify the URL or DOI (or place description) of the location of the dataset published in the public access repository (such as Mendeley Data). In the field "References" it is necessary to transfer from the article the list of the used literature.
Interdisciplinary research
Interdisciplinary research (peer-reviewed scientific papers) present original research results, but go beyond the narrow profile of the journal, and their authors are scholars from other fields. However, such scientific articles should be at least partially related to mass communication.
Warning! Features of the submission.
1. In the tab "Upload submission" you need to download a separate file about the authors (and select Authors); the file containing the article without a list of authors (and select Text); the table file (if any) (and select Other); the image file (if any) (and select Other).
2. All fields are required in the "Enter Metadata" tab. In the Source field, specify the URL or DOI (or place description) of the location of the dataset published in the public access repository (such as Mendeley Data). In the field "References" it is necessary to transfer from the article the list of the used literature.
Peer reviews (printing reviews of various scientific publications in the field of mass communication, including reviews of scientific articles, reviews of opponents on the dissertation).
Warning! Features of the Submission.
In the "Upload Submission" tab, select OTHER after downloading the file.
In the tab "Enter Metadata" you do not need to fill in the abstract, type, source, additional refinements.
Page of the Hidden Media Effects Lab
This section publishes materials from the Hidden Media Effects Lab (HMEL) of the Department of Social Communications of the Educational and Scientific Institute of Journalism of Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv only by decision of the head of the laboratory, Prof. Volodymyr Rizun, and taking into account the opinions of the laboratory researchers. Materials from other scientists may be recommended for publication in this section only after consideration by the laboratory staff and by decision of its head. Such materials must comply with the scientific policy, subject matter, and methodological culture of the laboratory.
Copyright Notice
Submitting the manuscript to the "Current Issues of Mass Communication" implies the consent of the author / authors to publish the the manuscript in printed and electronic versions of this publication, to transfer the journal of the relevant copyright. The author (s) warrants that the submitted manuscript does not infringe the copyrights or other rights of any other party.
After the manuscript of the article is approved for publication by the editor-in-chief, the article is submitted for production, which will be notified to the author. To do this, each author or co-author of the approved article enters into an agreement with the founder of the magazine, pays for services (see the tab "Payments" in the section "About us"). Please note that this payment does not affect the editor-in-chief's decision to accept or not to accept the article for publication, as it is presented to the authors only after the decision on approval for publication.
Authors published in this journal agree to the following terms:
a. Authors reserve the right to author their work and transfer to the journal the right to first publish this work under the CC BY 4.0 license, which allows others to freely distribute the published work with mandatory reference to the authors of the original work and the first publication in this journal.
b. Authors have the right to enter into independent additional agreements on non-exclusive distribution of the work in the form in which it was published in this journal (for example, to place the work in the electronic repository or publish in a monograph), provided that the link to the first publication in this journal.
c. The policy of the journal allows and encourages authors to post manuscripts on the Internet (for example, in repositories or on personal websites) both before the submission of this manuscript and during its editorial processing, as it promotes productive scientific discussion and has a positive impact. on the efficiency and dynamics of citing published work.
Privacy Statement
The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.