Ukrainski teoretyky masovoi komunikatsii: ohliad osnovnykh prats [Ukrainian theorists of mass communication: overview of main works]
mass communication, mass communication theory, mass communication theoristsAbstract
This material is submitted for discussion on the pages of the journal. It has the status of a working version of a review article, a preprint. Anyone can participate in the discussion by submitting their materials with a reference to this material in the "Discussions" section. The authors of this material, in the case of writing a scientific article, must make a reference to their material, which they submitted for discussion. The proposed review presents a selection of the main generalizing works on the theory of mass communication, created by Ukrainian researchers over the past 25 years. Preference was given to training manuals, monographs, and textbooks, the authors of which tried to present a comprehensive view of the topic and systematize existing knowledge. The review of the selected works is carried out in the chronological order of their publication. This selection includes V. Ivanov's dissertation "Methodology and methods of researching the content of mass communication" (1996), O. Kuznetsova's textbook "Fundamentals of mass communication" (1996), the textbook by A. Moskalenko, L. Guberskyi, V. Ivanov and V. Vergun "Mass Communication" (1997), O. Zernetska's monograph "Global Development of Mass Communication Systems and International Relations" (1999), V. Ivanov's textbook "Sociology of Mass Communication" (2000), H. Pocheptsov's textbook "Communication Theory" ( 2001), S. Kvit "Mass Communications" (2008), V. Rizun "Theory of Mass Communication" (2008), O. Kosyuk's textbook "Mass Communication Theory" (2012), V. Ivanov's monograph "Mass Communication" (2013) . The review uses methods of historical-comparative and logical analysis
Ivanov, V. (1996). Metodolohiia ta metodyka doslidzhennia zmistu masovoi komunikatsii [Avtoreferat dysertatsii na zdobuttia stupenia doktora nauk: 10.01.08, Kyivskyi un-t im. T.H.Shevchenka] [Methodology and methods of researching the content of mass communication [Abstract of the dissertation for obtaining the degree of Doctor of Philological Sciences: 10.01.08, Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv]].
Ivanov, V. (2000). Sotsiolohiia masovoi komunikatsii. KNU im. T. Shevchenka [Sociology of mass communication. TSNU of Kyiv].
Ivanov, V. (2010). Osnovni teorii masovoi komunikatsii ta zhurnalistyky. Akademiia Ukrainskoi Presy [Basic theories of mass communication and journalism. Academy of the Ukrainian Press].
Ivanov, V. (2013). Massovaia kommunikatsyia. Akademiia Ukrainskoi Presy [Mass communication. Academy of Ukrainian Press].
Kosyuk, O. (2012). Teoriia masovoi komunikatsii: navchalnyi posibnyk dlia studentiv vyshchykh navchalnykh zakladiv. VNU im. Lesi Ukrainky [Theory of mass communication: a study guide for students of higher educational institutions. Lesya Ukrainka VNU].
Kuznetsova, O. (1996). Osnovy masovoi komunikatsii: Redaktsiino-vydavnychyi viddil LNU im. I. Franka [Basics of mass communication: Editorial and publishing department of LNU named after I. Franko].
Kvit, S. (2008). Masovi komunikatsii: pidruchnyk dlia studentiv vyshchykh navchalnykh zakladiv. Kyievo-Mohylianska akademiia [Mass communications: a textbook for students of higher educational institutions. Kyiv-Mohyla Academy].
Moskalenko, A., Guberskyi, L., Ivanov, V., Vergun, V. (1997). Masova komunikatsiia. Lybid [Mass communication. Lybid].
Pocheptsov, H. (2001). Tieoriia kommunikatsyi: uchebnik. Refl-buk [Theory of communication: textbook. Refl-book].
Rizun, V. (2008). Teoriia masovoi komunikatsii: pidruchnyk dlia studentiv haluzi 0303 «zhurnalistyka ta informatsiia». Prosvita [Theory of mass communication: a textbook for students of the field 0303 "journalism and information". Prosvita].
Zernetska, O. (1999). Hlobalnyi rozvytok system masovoi komunikatsii i mizhnarodni vidnosyny. Osvita [Global development of mass communication systems and international relations. Osvita].

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