Making up Real Media Reports’ Sample on COVID-19 for Use in Experimental Studies
real media report, COVID-19, issue relevance scale, media selection procedures, topic life cycleAbstract
The article reveals the procedure of selecting real media reports (RMR) on the COVID-19 pandemic in experimental studies. We assumed that RMR during the pandemic and several lockdowns had a real impact on people from different social groups. To monitor messages about COVID-19, we used the online service "Software product LOOQME" The algorithm to form the RMR sample was as follows: (a) search for all media messages available on the platform, (b) analysis of selected RMR by online service, (c) forming of an experimental content sample and its embedding in the experiment. The method of selecting RMR considered in this article includes a theoretical rationale for RMR; broad thematic selection of RMR using media monitoring systems; forming an experimental content sample with the use of parameters and selection criteria; additional procedure for rating the selected RMR according to a particular criterion with the participation of experts.
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- Mass communication: the question of the existence of the phenomenon
- Journalism in the environment of mass communication
- Methodology of research of mass communication phenomena
- Media and mass communication
- Media influence
- Stressogenic Elements of the Latent Impact of Real Media Reports on the COVID-19 Pandemic on Social Groups
- Media influencing technologies
Copyright (c) 2022 Volodymyr Rizun, Yurii Havrylets, Alla Petrenko-Lysak, Sergii Tukaiev, Daryna Ivaskevych, Yuliia Yachnik, Anton Popov

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