Role of media information in managing mass emotions in social communications of modern Ukraine (a brief overview as a statement of the question)




social communication; mass emotions; mass information; individual and mass interpretation in social communications


The study's main objective is to prove the presence of practical attempts in managing the third component of the mass communication message in modern Ukrainian social communications. It is the mass-emotional component. In previous studies, the author proved that the nature of social communications in the modern digital society is based on the unity of mass information, mass interpretation, and mass emotions. Therefore, it is essential to find actual attempts on the part of the organizers of certain political discourses to manage mass emotions in social communications with the help of the media.

The main conclusion of the study is that the scientific assumption regarding the presence of attempts to manage mass emotions through audiovisual and digital domestic media in social communications was confirmed. However, it is vital for further investigations of the scientific problem of how to manage the mass emotions functioning in social communications.

The methods used during the research to achieve the goal were content monitoring, comparison, generalization, and analysis of texts.


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How to Cite

Demutska, A. (2022). Role of media information in managing mass emotions in social communications of modern Ukraine (a brief overview as a statement of the question). Current Issues of Mass Communication, 31, 54-63.

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