The spiritual nature of the word as a means of communication and creation in relationship with the category of truth




category of truth, spiritual nature of the word , biblical discourse


This material is submitted for discussion on the pages of the journal. It has the status of a working version, a draft of a possible article, a preprint. Anyone can participate in the discussion by submitting their materials with a link to this material in the "Discussions" section of the following issues. The author of the same material, in the case of writing a scientific article, must make a reference to his material, which he submitted for discussion.The draft article is devoted to the conceptual and discursive analysis of the nature and properties of the word as a form of existence and communication of truth, revealing its communicative properties and interconnectedness with the category of truth in historiographical and biblical discourses. The spiritual nature of the Word, based on Truth, is aimed at creation, spiritual development and harmonization of society and the individual. Awareness of the creative and constructive nature of the Word and the ability to operate with the word at the level of its spiritual nature is an essential competence of a professional in social communications and socially responsible journalism.


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How to Cite

Petrenko, S. (2022). The spiritual nature of the word as a means of communication and creation in relationship with the category of truth. Current Issues of Mass Communication, 31, 12-24.

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